KWANCHAI - Jonathan Mathews Design Group has been selected by PURR Cocktail Lounge to bring The Full Spectrum to PRIDE '09

KWANCHAI/Jonathan Mathews design group, known for its inspired interior designs and festive events has been selected by Barbie Humphrey, owner of PURR, to create the event decor for the full week leading up to PRIDE Sunday.
Every night will focus on a different color, each will blossom into color!

Barbie's vision was incorporate the colors of the RAINBOW into a week of colorful festivities.
"9 lives in 9 days", starting with a "Weekend of White" on Saturday 6/20 moving through the rainbow to Friday and DJ Joe King. Saturday, "The Block Party" kicks off with LA DJ'S The Perry Twins, the week ends with the full spectrum "Pride Party" on Sunday 6/28. Patrons are encouraged to "flaunt their flair" and dress for the evenings.

In collaboration with Barbie and the staff at PURR, KWANCHAI has developed a concept for the week that is eco-conscious with its innovative use of recycled materials.

"KWANCHAI is creating event designs that demonstrate that events can be beautiful, memorable, and friendly to the environment." Jonathan Mathews.

Our design approach is framed by an eco-minded view that we should continuously seek to capture re-usable materials. By maximizing reused content along with recycled elements in transformative "second life" applications, materials take on new form and function. By doing so, we participate in our community's shared goals of supporting sustainable lifestyles and a healthy environment.

Come show your pride all week at PURR, it will be solar!!!!!